


What is placenta and placental extract?

The placenta is an organ to nurture one fertilized egg until birth. Placental extract is prepared by hydrolysing the placenta, that contains variety of components beneficial to human health.

History of Placental Extract

Science is still learning about all that the Placenta can provide; even today some of these amazing properties remain mysterious.

Historically, placenta was used mainly in Asia. For example, Chinese historical book “Compendium of Materia Medica (本草綱目 )”, describing traditional Chinese medicines, mentioned about dried human placenta (紫荷車) as so-called revitalizer.

In Japan, human placenta was included in Kon Gen Tan (混元丹), one of the three secret medicines of Kaga-han (current Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures), which was provided as revitalizer as well.

In the early 1930’s the Soviet scientist Professor Filatov introduced placenta into the field of medicine for treatments of tissue repair.

Recently, porcine and equine placental extracts are widely used as the ingredients of medicines, health foods, and cosmetics.

Components of Placental Extract

Although placental extract is not the same as placenta itself, the placental extract contains variety of components beneficial to human health and beauty.


Advantages of Snowden's Placental Extracts

Five advantageous points of Snowden's placental extractHigh Quality & Safety
Manufactured in Japan Preparation of extracts in Japan from full-term placenta of healthy pigs or horses
Enzymatic degradation Extraction with the "enzymatic degradation" method employing best combination of enzymes, which ensures high extraction efficiency
Extraction at moderate temperature Extraction at the temperature which is best for ezymatic degradation
Sterilization at moderate temperature Extract for Health Foods: heated at 60℃~63℃ for 3 h, concentrated, and then heated again
Extract for Cosmetics: heated at 60℃~63℃ for about 6 h
Virus Clearance Virus clearance test was performed with porcine Parvovirus, and the effective virus clearance was confirmed.

Safety of Snowden's Placental Extract

Placental Extract for Cosmetics

Species Safety test for manufacturing process Safety tests on skin Specification tests (each batch)
Virus Clearance test Human patch test Primary skin irritation test Continuous skin irritation test Physicochemical test Sterility test

Placental Extract for Health Food

Species Safety tests Safety test for manufacturing process Positive list system Specification tests (each batch)
Dose-limiting toxicity test Mutagenicity test VIrus clearance test Residual pesticides test Physicochemical test Bacteria and coliforms test


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